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Advocating for Your Doula During COVID-19

UPDATE: As of June 6, 2020, TWO support people are welcome in ALL Alberta Health Services hospitals [ as long as there is the ability to physically distance within the room ]. See AHS Official Guidelines for complete details.

If you’re pregnant right now and staring down the barrel of birthing during a pandemic…you’re stressed. No moral support at your prenatal checkups and ultrasounds, no maternity photoshoots, no baby showers…and to top it off, the health region says that you can’t bring your doula, even though they are shown to improve outcomes??

Since our provincial State of Emergency was declared on March 17, 2020, approximately 5,000 Albertan babies [ and counting! ] have been born, and over 4,700 of those births occurred in a hospital.

There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic affects us all. But many Alberta families are simultaneously experiencing another major event – childbirth – and are being asked to do so with limited resources and support.

It is true that every one of us is being asked to work differently right now; doctors and hairdressers, cashiers and accountants, teachers and politicians. Changing our daily activities to protect the health of friends, neighbours, and our community is the least we can do. But giving birth isn’t a “daily activity.” Giving birth is something that may only happen once in someone’s lifetime. Giving birth is something that stays with you forever: physically and emotionally.

If a professional doula is part of your desired birth support team, keep reading to find out what you can do to get that person back at your side.

Advocating for Your Doula During COVID-19 in Alberta

Information current as of May 14, 2020

Alberta Health Services HAS made discretionary allowances for a second support person, such as a birth doula. According to their website “The unit manager/charge nurse may approve two visitors at one time (e.g. both a partner and doula; or both surrogate support and an intended parent).” However, we are not seeing any hospitals provincially making those allowances thus far.

To advocate for bringing your complete birth support team - including your doula - make sure to keep talking about your wishes. Mention your professional support person at each prenatal appointment to keep the situation top of mind with those “in the system.” And follow these steps to make your preferences heard:

Step 1: Discuss having a doula with your primary maternity care provider (OB, midwife, or family doctor). Show them a printout or screenshot of the current AHS guidelines, and request that access be attempted according to your wishes.

Step 2: Ask that your care providers take your concern to their Site Command Post who should be aware of the current guidelines.

Step 3: The Site Command Post then takes their concerns to their Zone Emergency Operation Centre, who then takes it to Emergency Coordination Centre.

Step 4: Contact directly Alberta Health Services Patient Relations at 1-855-550-2555 to make an official request and/or express your thoughts and concerns around the difference between written policy and verbal doula denials on site.

Step 5: As of Thursday, May 14, 2020 Alberta has embarked on Stage 1 of its economic re-opening strategy. As part of this, retail shops and professional care services (such as chiropractors and physiotherapists) have been allowed to resume operations, with restaurants and hairstylists following suit soon after, on May 25. However, no conversation has been had with respect to considering professional doulas to re-enter hospitals as part of Stage 1. In fact, this may not be on the table until Stage 3 - long after school and daycare re-openings, golf courses, and libraries.

If it’s just as important to you to have a doula present at your birth as it is to get a haircut, or go out for dinner, or visit the mall, you should consider contacting your provincial MLA to express your concerns, and ask them to relay this issue to the Ministry of Health on your behalf. MLA phone numbers and email addresses can be found HERE online.

Lindsey Bowns is a professional Calgary doula. adora birth + wellness provides DONA International certified birth doula services, working alongside your local midwife or OB, in hospital or at home.