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10 Holiday Pregnancy Tips

There’s no more festive time of year to be pregnant than during the holidays! Christmas presents us with lots of opportunities to announce to friends and family, show off your bump in party sequins or a funny, themed t-shirt, and you can start checking things off of your gift registry early as people bring you thoughtful baby-centric gifts!

But, the holidays can also create situations that are less than ideal - such as your great aunt who insists you have some wine, your girlfriend who needs you to sample her brie, and the parties that have you on your feet all night, wreaking havoc on your hips and feet.

If you’re having a bump-tastic Christmas this year, here are 10 [+ one BONUS!] holiday tips to get you through it!

1.  Layer Up! If you’re still keeping your pregnancy quiet this Christmas, plan on an outfit with a dark color base (navy or black) that doesn’t highlight extra rolls and creases and top it with a flouncy, lightweight cardigan or wrap in a rich color or pretty, festive pattern like plaid. The extra fabric will drape around you and only Santa will know your secret!

2. Buy a pair of turkey pants! Please tell me you’re old enough to remember the episode of Friends where Joey wears Phoebe’s maternity pants and calls them “turkey pants”?! In any case, go pick up a pair of full-panel maternity jeans or leggings. I repeat, full-panel! The pants with the skinny elastic waistband will only be comfortable earlier in your pregnancy. The full-panel pants may seem like overkill now, but by the third trimester, you’ll thank me, I promise! [Bonus tip: maternity clothing can be expensive and has a very short lifespan in your closet. Borrow from friends/family if you’re able, or check Facebook Marketplace to find local moms who will probably give you a huge bag of maternity clothing for $5 because they want it out of their storage room ASAP!]

3. Speaking of turkey…. Did your best friend’s cousin tell you a horror story about her dental assistant who got really sick while pregnant because she ate [ insert offending food here ] ?? Here’s a quick reminder on holiday food favs:

  • Turkey: As long as it has been cooked thoroughly to 165F, go for it! Because cold cut meat can be a breeding ground for bacteria, you would be better off making a hot turkey sandwich with gravy and reheating your leftover meat than eating a cold turkey bunwich this year.

  • Stuffing: The inner cavity of a turkey isn’t the cleanest, most germ-free place to cook your food. It’s not a bad idea to steer clear of stuffing, but if it’s your favourite dish, set aside a separate portion and ensure that it gets baked past 165F to kill any bacteria.

  • Brie: Health Canada recommends against eating any soft cheeses while pregnant because they pose a risk for listeriosis. However, baked brie - as long as it has been heated thoroughly past 165F - is an alternative option! (are you sensing a theme here?? always make sure you’re eating fully cooked food!)

  • Cookie dough: Before you lick those beaters, raw eggs present a risk of salmonella, and it’s probably better to avoid giving yourself food poisoning! If cookie dough is a part of Christmas that you just can’t give up, try an egg-free, edible cookie dough version - a quick internet search will give you plenty to choose from!

As always, consult with your medical care provider for their expert opinion on the safety of these foods, but generally speaking they should be supportive of you participating in holiday traditions as long as you’re doing it in a conscious, fully-cooked way!

4. Don’t toss your cookies! Now that I reminded you about the foods you should and should not indulge in, you might be feeling nauseous at the very idea of eating! [Sorry!] For mild nausea and a feeling of fullness, try Gravol Ginger. I know, I know - you’re pregnant! You can’t take Gravol! Except, there’s a non-drowsy, non-pharmaceutical version of Gravol that is made with ginger only and should typically be OK’d by your medical provider (ask your doctor or pharmacist to be sure!). This holistic option might be enough to take the edge off. If you find yourself unable to keep any food down, make sure to talk to your care team about a more serious morning sickness solution like diclectin.

5. Wash your hands! Your immune system is working for two right now, which makes you extra susceptible to germs like colds and flu. Do your best to avoid people who aren’t feeling well (and they should be trying to keep their germs away from you too!), and make sure to practice good hygeine such as thorough hand washing, flossing daily, and frequently wiping down items like your phone with antibacterial wipes.

6. Give a gift to yourself! If you have health benefits that will be expiring as of December 31, now is the perfect time to treat yourself to a prenatal massage or a visit to the chiropractor or acupuncturist. These practitioners can help you with concerns such as morning sickness, hip and low back pain, and lower body edema that may be causing discomfort right now.

7. Watch your step! Your body mass, shape, and center of gravity is changing on a daily basis. Combine that with ice and snow, and it’s a recipe for a slip + fall situation. Make sure you’re wearing good footwear when walking any distance outside, even just to the car, and take your fitness activities like running indoors to the treadmill for a few months until the pavement is clear again.

8. Take it easy! A pregnant Christmas is the perfect time to test out your online shopping skills! Wandering through a crowded mall isn’t much fun at the best of times, let alone when you’re sweaty, tired, and have feet the size of footballs. Take your gift-buying to the couch and let the presents come to you instead this year!

9. Thanks, but no thanks! Holiday gatherings are the perfect opportunity for people to give you all kinds of advice you don’t really need about your pregnancy, birth, and parenting. A great way to diffuse these conversations is: “Oh, thanks for letting me know that! I haven’t really made a plan for __________ yet, but my birth doula and I were going to research and discuss that together! I’ll make sure to let her know your recommendation. :)” Bonus tip: since many of your friends and relatives won’t really know what a doula is, that’s a great opportunity to redirect the conversation! “My what? Yeah, my doula! Oh, no she’s not a hippie! Although she does like yoga and tea….”

10. Start a tradition! It’s never too early for Baby’s 1st Christmas _____! Get yourself into the holiday spirit by hanging a tiny stocking for baby, giving them their own ornament on your christmas tree, or buying them their own copy of Twas the Night Before Christmas to read together next year.

BONUS TIP 11! Shop Boxing Day flyers starting Christmas Eve! Take advantage of Boxing Day sales to stock up on newborn essentials such as a crib, stroller, or car seat. The usual suspects will all have something on sale - Walmart, Toys R Us, - but don’t forget about unorthodox baby retailers too - Best Buy, The Bay, and London Drugs all carry some of the top names in baby equipment too!

Now that you’re ready to use your fake doula as a scapegoat (as per tip #9!)…why not look into a REAL doula?! The wonderful magic of Christmas allows you to book a free, no obligation meet + greet online right now! (OK, that’s not Christmas magic, just technology magic!)