Your Preschool Dance Playlist!


If you own a computer, cell phone, or TV, you’re well aware that the coronavirus pandemic is a sweeping concern. And if you happen to live in a metropolitan area, you may be considering a self-imposed [ or even governmentally-suggested ] quarantine period of at least 14 days.

If, like me, you live in Calgary, Canada, you’re also facing a forecast of unseasonably low temperatures and up to 25cm of snow overnight.

This all makes a pretty compelling case to just stay home, stay warm, and stay safe. And if you’re a childless adult [ which you probably aren’t, or you wouldn’t be on my website! ] it’s pretty easy to binge watch some Netflix and consider it a staycation. But if you’re a parent - especially a parent of an infant or toddler - you know that you’re in for a rough ride, unfortunately.

So…you’re housebound and now you have nothing but the same old, boring stuff to entertain your kids from now until…next week? April 1st? Eternity? Who even knows.

Not to worry! As a professional dance educator [ just another little side hustle! ], I’ve got your back, mama! I’ve compiled a kid-friendly playlist that will get your child moving and grooving right in your own living room! This is a great mid-morning to get little bodies to expend some energy before naptime.

When In Doubt, Dance It Out!

1. Simon Says - The Wiggles

Just like the game of the same name, this song is a very simple Simon Says that instructs your child to touch their head, knees, chin, etc. With an infant, dance them on your lap and show them or help them to touch the body parts described in the song. With older kids, this also sets you up to play a game of your own without the song where you can take turns being “Simon.”

2. Follow The Leader - The Soca Boys

Similar to Simon Says, this great party song gives instructions about what dance moves to perform: “put one hand in the air,” “jump and wave.” With an infant, this is a great, upbeat song to dance to while they jump in a swing or ride in a front carrier and you perform the gestures.

3. The Exercise Game #1 - Mark D. Pencil

This song talks your child through 7 or 8 different types of movement including tip-toeing, skipping, and marching. Simply press play, follow the instructions, and they’ll follow you quickly!

4. Do the Propeller! - The Wiggles

This classic Wiggles song lets kids imagine flying an airplace - which is maybe something they won’t be doing in real life for a few months! If you want to imitate the “real” moves, take a peek on YouTube for the official music video, otherwise just have fun putting your airplane wings out and gliding around the room!

5. Locomotion - Carole King

This is a kid-friendly song that isn’t a “kid” song, per se. It may not grate on your nerves the same as the others! Show your child how to make a circle motion with their arms like a wheel, ask them what sound a train makes, and do a shuffling “chug” with your feet as you drive your trains around the house.

6. Picking All the Flowers - The Wiggles

I know, I know - another Wiggles tune! But they have great visual cues to get your child moving! This song makes good use of levels, suggesting that you pick flowers from down low and reach up high to pick apples. Challenge your child to a contest to see who can pick the highest apple or the best smelling flower!

7. Happy Tappin’ with Elmo - Elmo

Most kids will innately love this song because of Elmo’s silly voice, and if they see you start to “tap dance” and make noise on the kitchen floor, they will be only too happy to follow along! This is a good time to identify heels, toes, tip toes, and stamps!

8. Five Little Monkeys - Mother Goose Club

I’ve yet to meet a child who doesn’t LOVE this song! With a baby or toddler, sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, and have your child sit on your thighs. “Jump” your baby monkey up and down on your legs, and give them a little tip to one side when it’s time to “fall off” the bed. Older kids can actually jump on their feet and “fall down” to the floor if they would rather dance independently.

9. Freeze Dance

This game can be performed with any song you like, and all you have to do is use pause or mute to stop the music. When the music stops, you freeze like a statue! This game is good for teaching your child listening/following directions, and anticipation.

10. Skinnamarink - Sharon, Lois, and Bram

As a Canadian kid born in the 80s or early 90s, you MUST know this song. If you don’t remember the actions, check YouTube…but I have a feeling that once you press play, you’ll already know what to do! ;)

If it’s been 30 minutes and you’ve already exhausted all of these songs, check out my next blog on 20 quarantine activities to try with your kids, and may the force be with you! And be sure to drop me a note or comment on facebook or instagram which activity was your favourite! Better yet, post a picture or video and tag me @adoreyourbirth!


Lindsey Bowns is a professional Calgary doula. adora birth + wellness provides DONA International certified birth doula services, working alongside your local midwife or OB, in hospital or at home.