COVID-19 Doula Safety Policies


Six months into #pandemiclife, the way babies are born hasn’t really changed…but the whole world around you has! If you’re considering hiring a doula to support your hospital or home birth, you probably have a lot of safety questions on your mind:

”Is this person safe?”
”Will they have to social distance from me? That’s not helpful…”
”What happens if they get sick?”

If questions like this have held you back from hiring the birth team you really want, check out what adora birth + wellness is doing to ensure your family is both safe + supported during COVID-19.

adora’s COVID-19 Doula
Safety Policies

1. Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

As a proponent of evidence-based care, I have reviewed efficacy + safety data from studies and experts across the globe. I have concluded that the COVID-19 vaccine is both a safe + effective protection against the novel coronavirus, and am fully vaccinated, as are my immediate family members and my child’s caregivers.

2. Going Virtual

In order to allow only serious + safe clients into adora’s cohort of families, I am currently offering online video meet + greet consultations in addition to a restricted number of in-person consultations to families investigating doula care + birth photography. Choosing a virtual consult allows you to attend a free coffee consultation from the comfort of your couch in your sweats with your puke bucket nearby, all while limiting human exposure for you, me, and the rest of the #adorablebabyclub!

3. Household Screening + Personal Protective Equipment

I am still conducting in-home prenatal + postpartum visits, but am doing so only after clients confirm a day-of household COVID screening questionnaire. All in-person visits are performed while wearing a mask and with social distancing enforced where possible.

4. Sanitization of Equipment

Part of hiring a doula is the expectation that we bring fancy “birth equipment” to your labor such as a peanut ball, rebozo, TENS machine, etc. All of adora’s birth equipment is sanitized immediately after use with bleach-based cleaners as per Health Canada, and any equipment with disposable components (eg: TENS machine pads) will be replaced before the next client’s use.

5. Back-up Care Providers

I work with a fantastic team of certified and fully vaccinated back-up doulas + birth photographers to ensure that if I have to self-isolate at any point, you will still receive exceptional birth support from another Certified Birth Doula who understands your wishes + preferences.

Now that you know adora birth + wellness is taking serious + thoughtful precautions to keep your growing family safe, you can book online RIGHT NOW for a free, no obligation meet + greet! It takes just two minutes to confirm a virtual coffee consultation, and you don’t even have to leave your couch or get out of sweatpants to join our chat!

Hit the button below to take your first step, and I promise everything will be easy breezy! [ Well…no promises on the pregnancy part though….! ]